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Stock Market update: Hang Seng, Shanghai Composite, Nikkei 225, S&P ASX 200

June 1, 2020 9:39 pm
  The Asian market finished Monday’s session in positive territory, which was led by Hang Seng Index up 3.36%, Shanghai Composite Index at 2.21%, ASX 200 at 1.10%, and Nikkei 225 at 0.84%. Hang Seng Index gapped up during Monday’s opening trades and rose 3% in the first hour of trades. Investors seem to have […] Read more

RIO and BHP lead the charge in the ASX top 20

June 1, 2020 5:19 am
Rio Tinto Ltd(RIO) extended its flight from last Friday’s session and burst through 94.48 resistance level at the beginning of trades. It has cruised through to another critical point with massive volume at 96.95 at the time of writing. It may have accomplished its daily target up by 4%. The next level to watch is […] Read more

USD/JPY Trades at major level at 107.670

June 1, 2020 3:10 am
USD/JPY traded around Friday’s retracement level during opening trades in the Asian session and progressed to Friday’s highs at 107.898 but retreated around mid-day to 107.670 during the time of writing. The sharp rebound on Friday’s session at 107.194 seems to have stalled at 107.670, as indicated on the one-hour price chart below. The medium-term […] Read more

US Crude Oil (WTI) prices fall below 35.20

June 1, 2020 1:38 am
Crude Oil kicked off this week’s trading session around last week’s close and extended to around 36.00 within the first hour of trade but retreated below 35.20 at the time of writing. Crude prices barely made it above 34.36, but it seems it has struck a barrier around 35.20. The riots happening around US major […] Read more

Asia stock market update

May 31, 2020 11:03 pm
Nikkei 225 Index closed Friday’s session at 21877.89 -38.42 down 0.18%. The Index held on above 21600.00 two consecutive sessions, but still to break at 22068.00. The critical support price point to watch in future sessions is at 21600.00. The Index could fall if it slips under 21600.00. Major events to watch today is at […] Read more

ZOOM share prices surged ahead of its earnings release next week

May 31, 2020 7:43 pm
Zoom Video Communication(ZM) shares have been trading in a robust longterm uptrend since the beginning of this year, as indicated on the price chart below. The video conferencing company’s business accelerated during the COVID 19 pandemic lockdown, which saw a rise in personal and office use on its platform. ZM shares finished Friday’s session at […] Read more