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US Leading Indicators Index up, exceeding forecasts

May 17, 2013 2:43 pm
Leading Indicators Index in United States, which was published earlier today, rose by a greater than expected rate during April. The index showed an increase in value to 0.6%, while expectations were for a 0.2% rise. During the previous period the indicator marked a 0.2% slow down. Experts from Conference Board, the group, which evaluates […] Read more

Euro reached a 2013 low against the US dollar

May 17, 2013 1:52 pm
The euro currency sunk to 1 year low versus the US dollar at 1.2815, after Benoit Coeure, European Central Bank board member, confirmed that the bank was on a research for further strengthening of the real economy lending, especially the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector. It was reported that probably ECB would stick to […] Read more

USD/CAD rose to over 2 month high after economic data from Canada

May 17, 2013 12:57 pm
US dollar expanded its positions against Canadian dollar during Friday trade session, after a series of crucial data for Canadas economic activity was released. The pair rose to 1.0309, Friday session high value, from trading in the 1.0264-84 zone. USD/CAD was expected to meet resistance at 1.3000-1.3032, while the support levels were at 1.0215-1.0200. Minutes […] Read more

Euro zone’s Construction Output sunk again

May 17, 2013 10:00 am
Earlier today was reported, that construction sector in the single currency zone continued to contract for the fifth month in a row. It turned out to be the most prolonged decline in economic activity in the region since World War II. Published official data showed, that Construction Output sunk by 1.7% during March, deepening compared […] Read more

EUR/USD pair weakened positions, traded in 1.2860-85 zone

May 17, 2013 8:17 am
During early European trade session the euro currency retreated against the US dollar, as trade was set in the 1.2860-85 range, while yesterday the pair reached 1.2930 after the release of weak economic data from the United States. US dollar decreased its value in relatively short-term, because of disappointing labour market data, after which during […] Read more

USD/JPY nearing a four and a half year highs

May 17, 2013 7:57 am
On Friday session, US dollar advanced against the Japanese yen closing in to a new 4,5 year high. Major influence was the speculation over a possible earlier exit of FEDs stimulus program than expected. The pair reached 102.58 during European trade, followed by consolidation at 102.48. Support levels were expected at 101.26, May 14th low […] Read more

Philadelphia FED Index dropped into negativity

May 16, 2013 7:15 pm
According to official data, published earlier today, business activity amongst the Philadelphia manufacturers declined during May. Philadelphia index sunk to -5.2 points during May, while a month ago the reading showed +1.3 points. Results stated, that most of the featured companies gave negative forecasts about future development of their business. Experts estimated the value to […] Read more

Jobless Claims in United States rose during last week

May 16, 2013 2:18 pm
Initial Jobless Claims indicator rose during last week, as the number of american citizens in search for a job increased. This could be interpreted as continuing uncertainty about the recovery of US labour market. Claims rose to 360 000 during last week, from the revised number of 328 000 during the previous period. Experts estimated […] Read more