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Lehman accuse non-profit organisations for company’s bankruptcy in 2008

May 14, 2013 1:19 pm
Lehman brothers, the ex-global financial service firm stated their view of what caused the financial crisis in 2008. Lehman set off the so called avalanche of bankruptcy in US, bringing a crisis on a worldwide scale. Lehman now says it was misled by scores of nonprofit organizations. Just before the financial crisis Wall street banks […] Read more

All eyes on Tesla Motors

May 14, 2013 9:18 am
Tesla is a well known maker of sporty battery operated vehicles and has been put on the spot regarding their first profit in their 10 year history since Tesla went public.The company reported its first quarter profit and their shares went up by 41% so far causing immense euphoria. Despite the companys profit some analysts […] Read more

“Sell in May and go away”

May 14, 2013 7:56 am
A popular quote on wallstreet reveals a time-proven strategy The US market as any, typically has cycles of strength and weakness. The summertime blues is one of them. Many investors advice to stay away from US market seasonal weaknesses but hiding behind bonds or just waiting is not an option for the most of shareholders. […] Read more

Investors Interested in Amazon Stock

May 12, 2013 6:32 pm
The most recent earnings report for Amazon hints that investing in this stock may prove to be a very good move if the predictions of most markets turn out to be true. However, there are still many investors who aren’t completely sure if an investment in Amazon is the right thing to do at this […] Read more